
This document contains BattLabs policy on modern slavery and human trafficking under s.54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.


BattLab is committed to providing our services in an ethical and transparent manner. Our business and suppliers are expected, at all times, to operate in a manner where the act of depriving personal liberty for another’s gain both commercial and/or personal is not acceptable.

It is hard to believe that in the 21st century it is estimated there are up to over 40 million victims of modern slavery. Slavery can take many forms:

  • human trafficking (arranging or facilitating the travel or movement of a victim with a view to them being exploited)
  • slavery, servitude (coercing someone to provide services) and forced and compulsory labour
  • committing any offence with the intention to commit human trafficking
  • aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring any of the above offences

BattLab in no uncertain terms will not tolerate any activity that could constitute or contribute towards slavery or human trafficking. BattLab, our employees and suppliers have an ethical, legal and moral responsibility to ensure compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

To demonstrate BattLabs responsibility the company shall:

  • Maintain a policy stating the position of BattLab on anti-slavery and human trafficking which is made available in the public domain at
  • All employees will receive training on anti-slavery and human trafficking
  • All suppliers shall receive and be required to comply with the anti-slavery and human trafficking policy
  • Provide a safe environment in which to whistle blow to senior management without fear of retribution or retaliation should any of the company’s activities, its suppliers or subcontractors be, or possibly be, considered to be operating in a way that conflicts with this policy
  • All employees are vetted for their right to work in the UK at point of employment
  • Employees are only ever paid directly by bank transfer and never to a third party

BattLab only works with suppliers who comply with the legalisation including but not limited to the Modern Slavery Act 2015; even in the event of third-party subcontracting by suppliers and seeking services or goods from their own suppliers ask to confirm compliance.

Supplier should state:

  • any prior conviction of any offence involving slavery and human trafficking
  • any investigation, inquiry or enforcement proceedings by any governmental, administrative or regulatory body regarding any offence or alleged offence of or in connection with slavery and human trafficking

The prevention, detection and reporting of modern slavery in any part of the Company’s businesses and supply chains is the responsibility of all those working for BattLab. If a member of staff believes that a breach of this Policy has occurred or is likely to occur, they must notify their line manager or senior manager within the company at the earliest opportunity. Reporting will be kept confidential and will be dealt with appropriately.